Otay Vet Veterinary Clinic Services
Contact Us
Our consultations are 50% longer than most vets in the USA AND MEXICO!
Blvd. Lazaro Cardenas 1908
Local 6 Fracc. Otay Constituyentes
Tijuana, Baja California Mexico
Call Us
Telephone: +52 (664) 623-7999
U.S.A. Phone: (619) 816-8415
From U.S.A.: 011 52 (664) 623-7999
Cell Phone: 011 52 1 (664) 410-7439
Working Hours
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Send Message
All your data is handled confidentially, it will only be used to contact you and to answer your questions and/or offer you our services.
Driving Directiones
Holidays 2024
Payment Options
We accept debit cards, credit cards SOME LIMITATIONS APPLY (Visa, Mastercard……..Discover) PAYPAL-Must pay through FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND CASH PAYMENTS. All cards must be signed by the owner of the card. A 5% service fee will apply when using debit or credit cards.
Surgical and hospitalization fees require a deposit of 90% of total amount of services, remaining balance is due when taking your pet home.
Sorry, no checks, no credit plans
Another popular option four your family and pet is insurance coverage. To learn more, please vist the following pet insurance website.